Greetings, I have just established this WebPage, so many of the sites that will be up,
are currently being made, and will be installed when they are finished! I hope you enjoy the site!
I will be offering many things here, including:
a GAMES page- will harvest faq's, pic's, mid's, and walkthrew's (supplied by Dispatier) (up)
a MONKEY ISLAND page- If you dont know Monkey Island, I suggest you buy it!!! (up)
a STAR WARS page- Home to the dreaded Empire! This will hold all the Empire's Baddie's! (down)
a JAPANAMATION page- home to some of the most Awsome Japanese Anime on the Web! (down)
a HOME page- all the info about ME!!! (down)
a FANTASY page- pic's and story's for: D&D, and none other than "The Lord of The Rings" (down)
a SOUND page- Lotsa Wav's, Mid's, Mod's, and Mp3's (down)
a LINKZ page- Just some awsome sites I found on my way here!
I hope you will like it!
Just click on the appropiate planet to go to the page! And have Fun!
Anime, "Realm of Japanimation"
the Death Star!
The Home World, "My Dominion"
This site is under HEAVY Construction!